About Us

My name is Gary Wood and my wife’s name is Linda. I’m 71 and Linda is 69, I never thought we would start a business at this time in our life but there are two reasons why we did.

The first reason we started Grandpa’s Gourmet Goodies was to leave a business for our grandchildren. There is a proverb in the Bible that says “a good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.” The best inheritance I could think of was to provide them a business where they would not have to work as an employee all their lives. At the same time they would learn how to operate a successful business.

We are in the middle of a bad economy where people are struggling to put food on their table and pay their bills. The second reason for starting this business is to show people how they can make additional money making food products and selling them in flea markets and farmers markets. To promote this concept we are also going to post videos on YouTube. I hope you will follow us on this journey as we document it here on our website and on our YouTube channel.